
Dear Coach,

 I find myself turning to masturbation too much because my partner & I do not have sex. He tells me it is due to medical issues that tend to diminish or extinguish his ‘drive’ while mine is completely functional. I have lived with this situation for a long time, but it is starting to frustrate me and yet I dont want to give up on a good relationship. Every time I talk to him he says he wants to get it fixed but doesn’t do anything about it. I know he’s not lying about the medical issues. I feel like a ‘bad’ person because I use porn and other things to help me get relief when I need it. What do you think?

Sexually Stalemated

My partner and I have been together a while, and everything’s great with him. However, for some time I have been thinking seriously about becoming a sperm donor. I want to continue my line, and I wouldn’t be involved in raising the child at all. So why is my partner so completely against the idea? Is my relationship more important than my legacy? Should I do it behind his back? Help!” read more >>

I cheated on my boyfriend and I’m not sure what to do. We talked about having an open relationship and he was adamantly against it—I was for it, did it anyway, and now I feel guilty as hell. I don’t want to lose him, but I don’t want to lie either. What do I do? read more >>


As gay men, you’ve struggled through and endured all the challenges inherent in finding true love with another man in this homophobic society, but you did it! You found your Mr. Right! So now what?! read more >>


Probably the number one question I get asked most often by gay couples is, unsurprisingly, “How do I make my relationship better?” So, in line with the holiday and beginning of a New Year, I thought I’d write a short blurb that lists some possible action steps you might take to improve your partnership in the coming year. We’ve all heard of making personal New Year’s Resolutions like “I’m going to lose weight this year” or “I’m going to go to the health club more often”, but what would happen if we expanded upon that concept and created Resolutions for our relationships as couples? read more >>


So what makes a healthy and lasting long-term gay relationship successful? Our society certainly doesn’t make it easy for us as gay men to date and mate with all the homophobia and discrimination that exists. Though this is slowly starting to change in many parts of the world, man-to-man love continues to be stigmatized and this backdrop of cultural oppression and hatred can put a strain on a gay couple’s budding relationship that many heterosexual pairs may take for granted. As a gay community, we lack adequate and visible positive role models of gay couples that provide hope for lasting relationship success. As men, we’ve been conditioned to define our masculinity in rigid and narrow ways as part of the socialization process growing up and this can create conflict when pairing up two individuals of the same gender looking for intimacy and emotional connection. And then we have our own layers of discrimination and pressure in our own gay community that at times can leave gay couples feeling unsupported and uninspired to achieve relationship longevity in the one place they thought they’d be safe—among their own. read more >>

Dear Coach:

I am in my late 30’s and my partner and I have been together for 10 years. From the beginning, my family welcomed him with open arms. My partner has struggled for years to come out to his family and only just this past year told his mother that he was gay and in a long-term relationship. The only reason he came out to her was because I had a business trip to the city where she lives and he came with me; I sort of pushed the issue so I could finally meet her. She’s a wonderful woman and was totally open, accepting, and loving, but my partner remains uncomfortable. read more >>


It’s the beginning of a New Year and people all around the globe are making resolutions and goals for self-improvement and personal growth. But while everyone is creating individual objectives to accomplish their ideals, an important part of our lives tends to be overlooked and neglected when going through this period of introspection and renewal. Our relationships! Whether it’s an intimate relationship with a significant other or our connections with family and friends, all relationships require consistent attention, feeding, and sustenance to keep them healthy and vital. What better time of the year to take stock of your relationships and give them some much needed “Tender Loving Care” than now! For purposes of this article, we will focus on some specific strategies you can implement within the context of your relationship with your partner that will keep the focus on your identity as a couple. read more >>


In our first installment of this article series, you learned about inhibited sexual desire, a very common sexual disorder that plagues millions of couples, and gay partnerships are no exception to this epidemic. You learned about its symptoms, subtypes, and possible causes for its existence in a relationship. In Part 2, some tips and strategies will now be offered on how best to manage and overcome this barrier to intimacy so that your relationship may enjoy the fruitful rewards of a healthy sexual lifestyle. read more >>

Dear Coach:

I’m in my late 30’s and have been in a relationship with my partner now for nearly two years. He’s the first guy I can honestly say I’ve ever truly loved. A few months ago, my partner started losing interest in sex and I soon discovered that he was hooking up with other guys on the Internet. He says he loves me, but that it’s just on a different level than it was before. I feel like I’m more in love with him than he is me. Has he lost interest in me as a life partner? Is this worth saving?
