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Anxiety can be crippling when it comes to dating, whether it be feeling intimidated about approaching a guy you’d like to meet, to worrying about deepening a connection with an already established dating partner, or to isolating from gay settings altogether to ward off the fears and disappointments of not finding someone. What all of these scenarios have in common is avoidance, and the more something is avoided, the stronger the “bolt instinct” becomes to where a desired goal is abandoned. And this doesn’t yield growth and happiness, often times leading to a state of stagnation and unfulfillment. The only way to get what you want is to take a proactive stance, to become a risk-taker, and “duke it out” with fear head-on. The only way out of anxiety is through it.

So how can you go after what you want in dating if you feel paralyzed with anxiety and are immobilized? Here are some tips to get you started in the right direction:

Click on the following link to read the response:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/grab-dating-by-the-balls

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.




The decision to reconcile with an ex-boyfriend is one that requires much forethought. A breakup with him occurred previously for a reason and you want to avoid re-enacting old patterns and dynamics by jumping back in too quickly or when the decision is emotionally-driven. This is something that involves a lot of individual reflection, as well as pointed communication with your ex.

One of the questions you want to ask yourself is “Why do I want to get back with him? Why now?” It’s important to explore your motives for wanting to reconnect to ensure they are healthy and pure. If you both have grown personally and made some changes that have strengthened your maturity and responsibility, that might be a positive indicator to consider the situation further. If you’re struggling with loneliness, anxiety about being alone, or fear not being able to find another partner, these would be deemed unhealthy reasons and would be indicative of potentially setting yourselves up to get hurt again. “Am I truly into him or the idea of being with him?” You want to be truly honest with yourself about what lies beneath your desire to get back together.

Click on the following link to read the response:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/should-i-get-back-with-my-ex

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.



“Where do I go to meet quality gay men?” is a question I hear a lot from single guys aspiring to meet their Mr. Right. After a long dry spell of being on the solo circuit, or even experiencing a series of recurring dating disappointments, the frustration can ultimately balloon into a sense of defeat and jadedness if not careful.

The gay bar has been a traditional place where gay men have been able to meet each other, and thankfully with the growing acceptance of the LGBT community, meeting places have generalized to areas of more visibility as our access to each other has increased. And that’s a wonderful thing, especially since the gay bar isn’t always the most successful venue to meet a true dating prospect. It can happen, but it’s more difficult because of the unknown variables about the men in this establishment, not to mention the sexualized and “cruising” atmosphere can sometimes be an interference.

Click on the following link to read the response:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/where-to-go-to-meet-quality-gay-men

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.


Another common gay dating dilemma revolves around whether to have sex on the first date or not. This has often been a controversial subject among gay men, with opinions being  split right down the middle. There’s not necessarily a right or wrong answer, as these types of scenarios are rarely ever black-and-white. The decision as to whether to “hit the sheets” after having had a superb first date before the night is over is a personal one, fraught with uncertainty about the impact that being intimate so soon after meeting can have on the potential for securing a second date and beyond. Before reaching that point-of-no-return, it’s important to conduct an evaluation or a cost/benefit analysis of both the positive and negative ramifications of such an action. It’s also important to weigh this dilemma against your personal values system and to determine if being sexual early in the game is in alignment with your vision of what you’re looking for.

Click on the following link to read the response:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/should-you-have-sex-on-the-first-date

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.


You’re brimming with excitement as you prepare to go out on your first date with that interesting guy. The mystery and intrigue of the unknown makes those first encounters with a dating prospect exhilarating and full of possibility. But what do you do when you soon discover during your meeting with him that he’s not really boyfriend material? This scenario is one of those dating dilemmas that is often mishandled, and it’s important to approach these potentially awkward and difficult moments with savvy.

Click on the following link to read the response:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/first-date-dilemmas-when-hes-not-your-type 

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.


Without a strategic plan in place, dating can be an overwhelming experience. Feeling like a “fish out of water”, many gay men may flounder in their efforts to try and find a compatible dating partner, typically being ruled by attraction and chemistry that usually can overshadow the fact that there is little in common beyond that spark. Having a solid understanding of who you are, what you stand for, and what you’re specifically looking for in terms of a partner and a relationship can be the best armor you have in protecting yourself in the dating jungle and in ensuring you’re aligning yourself with the most compatible men you’re meant to meet!

Click on the following link to read the response:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/my-perfect-gay-boyfriend

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.


Hi everyone!

Retro MicrophoneI’m excited to announce the launch of my new podcast/radio show on Web Talk Radio! I was approached by a media production company about my doing a show on LGBT dating, relationships, and sexuality and I’ve been hard at work learning about podcasting! Today the first show has aired, and it’s on lesbian dating tips, and each episode will address a different topic of interest on the aforementioned subjects. So please feel free to check out my virgin debut into the world of podcasting and please spread the word. There will be something of interest for everyone! Check out the show homepage here:  http://webtalkradio.net/internet-talk-radio/the-gay-love-coach/   Thanks for all your support! Cheers, Brian

Growing up gay, we didn’t receive any socialization on rites-of-passage when it comes to love and relationships; the only dating template we had to go on was the male-female variety. While dating and romance can take on similar qualities as our straight counterparts’, there are also some very real differences. With two men, who holds the door open? Who pays for the first date? Who does what? There are no clear, designated roles to follow like straight relationships have. While we are fortunate to not be bound to certain “rules” when it comes to dating, it at the same time can be confusing on how to navigate through various interpersonal situations. It also becomes challenging in trying to determine if the guy you’re seeing is a “keeper” or not based on the blurred roles. What follows are five qualities of gay men that could be considered “a good catch” in helping you to assess whether he’s got the goods!

Click on the following link to read the response:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/does-he-treat-you-like-a-queen

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.

When you break up with a boyfriend, it can feel like your whole world is crashing down around you as you try to make sense of what’s happened, while trying to keep yourself together as you go through this adjustment. You are grieving, and like a death, you will likely go through the various stages of grief (shock/denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, per the famous Kubler-Ross model). In an ideal world, both partners would sit down and discuss their relationship, “life review” style, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses and processing their feelings about what went wrong. They would be able to forgive each other for any hurts and mistakes made and find a way to say goodbye to each other that would officially close the book on that chapter of their lives before parting ways. A nice and clean ending like this isn’t always possible though.

Click on the following link to read the full article:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/the-breakup-letter-strategy

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.


As we all know, one factor that fuels physical attraction is appearance. Gay men, and men in general, tend to be very visual-oriented, so it’s important to capitalize on that in your online dating profile picture. Below, please find an article written by Giles Fabris at LookBetterOnline.com that offers tips on how to create attention-getting photos that highlight your assets for maximum return on those online dating sites you may utilize. Good Photos That Get Results For Online Daters