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With all of the Gay Pride celebrations going on this month, our community is paying homage to being true to ourselves and loving who we are. And this message also holds an important lesson when it comes to being single and dating. Simply put, our self-esteem refers to how we feel about ourselves. Your view of yourself has a direct impact on how you show up for your life, including how you approach dating and relate to others.

Click on the following link to read the rest:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/what-the-supreme-courts-ruling-on-gay-marriage-means-for-your-dating-life

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.



In my experience coaching single gay men, I have found that there are four main areas that, if successfully cultivated and worked on, tend to foster greater dating opportunities that yield results. If you’ve been having a difficult time establishing and maintaining relationships with the guys you meet, perhaps something may be amiss in one of these categories that you could direct your energy toward improving. Of course there are always factors outside our control in dating that can impede our progress (like the other guy sometimes!), but it’s important to avoid blaming and placing too much emphasis on the external. Instead, we can take responsibility by ensuring we are invested in our own personal development and becoming a “Mr. Right” as well. This is always an evolution as well since we are always developing and changing as we grow and mature. So take a look at these four categories below and conduct a self-assessment to determine where your strengths and weaknesses lie.

Click on the following link to read the response:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/4-steps-to-getting-more-dates

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.


A great majority of the struggles that I find men having with dating stem from anxiety. Whether it be insecurity of approaching someone you find interesting or a fear of intimacy or commitment, these dilemmas oftentimes have anxiety at their root. Anxiety is a big culprit in the great majority of male sexual dysfunctions too. Fear can hold us back from realizing our potential and can also be a huge obstacle to our achieving our dreams of goals—in life and love. Anxiety can feel paralyzing, but the good news is that it is highly treatable and you can overcome its power with dedication and courage. The problem with anxiety is that it leads a person to avoid, which poses a barrier to any growth or movement in a positive direction in one’s life. The only way out of anxiety is through it; the more something is avoided, the stronger a hold anxiety will have over you.

Click on the following link to read the response:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/is-shyness-ruining-your-dating-life

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.


Anxiety can be crippling when it comes to dating, whether it be feeling intimidated about approaching a guy you’d like to meet, to worrying about deepening a connection with an already established dating partner, or to isolating from gay settings altogether to ward off the fears and disappointments of not finding someone. What all of these scenarios have in common is avoidance, and the more something is avoided, the stronger the “bolt instinct” becomes to where a desired goal is abandoned. And this doesn’t yield growth and happiness, often times leading to a state of stagnation and unfulfillment. The only way to get what you want is to take a proactive stance, to become a risk-taker, and “duke it out” with fear head-on. The only way out of anxiety is through it.

So how can you go after what you want in dating if you feel paralyzed with anxiety and are immobilized? Here are some tips to get you started in the right direction:

Click on the following link to read the response:  http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/grab-dating-by-the-balls

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.




Do you approach dating with the best of intentions by only screening guys who fit your personal requirements, but then throw that all out the window when that hot Mr. Wrong winks at you from across the room? Worse yet, do you find it difficult to keep all the guys that you’re dating straight and then follow up on a conversation with one that was from a meeting you’d had with a different man? Yikes! For better organization, structure, accountability, (and sanity!), it’s time to start keeping a “Dating Journal” to help you optimize your dating life.

Click on the following link to read the full article: http://www.datingadvice.com/advice/the-gay-dating-journal

© Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach


This particular article is not for re-publication in other e-zines, magazines, or websites as DatingAdvice.com owns the rights to this material in partnership. Any questions or consent to do so is required by that organization.


One of the most common complaints I receive from single gay men about the dating scene is their frustration and pain of wearing “the battle scars” of mistreatment at the hands of other men they’ve met for potential friendship and dating. “Why doesn’t he call me back when he says he will?” “Why did he say he was interested and then I find him online cruising for other guys?” “I found out Mr. Wonderful was married!” “These guys are so rude and crass in those Internet chatrooms!”  These are just a few of the many scenarios described by many singles who report feeling jaded by the actions of their fellow gay brothers who have slighted them or made them feel “less than” as they navigate their way through the dating jungle. read more >>

Welcome to The Dating Fitness Center! You’ve made a very wise decision by enrolling in our dating wellness club because you have now joined an exclusive membership with other relationship-minded singles. Here, you recognize that being single is an opportunity and that before you can really appreciate and thrive in a committed relationship with a life partner, you must first be solid and grounded yourself. This means that you’ve done the necessary work and are continually committed to the process of developing and actualizing yourself into your true potential. The ultimate outcome is that you lead a full life of purpose and passion and view yourself as a healthy and happy single. Through this personal growth process, you are maximizing your chances for attracting and sustaining fulfilling relationships with similar dating partners. Remember that according to “The Law of Attraction”, like attracts like. The more your life and self-esteem are in order, the greater your chances are that you will draw other dating prospects toward you that have also achieved a comparable level of well-being and “fitness.” read more >>


There is probably no greater topic of importance to gay dating and relationship success than self-esteem. How you feel about yourself definitely translates itself in everything that you think, feel, and do. Having confidence and a belief that you have value and worth gives you that extra boost you need to take risks that will improve your life. It gives you that little extra sexy appeal and makes you feel positive and attractive to yourself and others. It also helps you in making sound and responsible decisions that will ensure you’re living with integrity. Additionally, when you feel good about yourself, you’re more likely to set boundaries with others to avoid being taken advantage of and helps you feel more able to be assertive and to go after what you need and what. read more >>


So you’re single and looking for Mr. Right. Perhaps you enjoy the freedom of this time of your life and date recreationally, keeping your options open until “the right guy” comes along. Or maybe you’re the type who feels like dating is his sealed fate, forever going out on dates with guy after guy, only to walk away from each experience disappointed and questioning whether you’ll ever find a compatible life partner. Whatever your situation, it’s important to remember that finding Mr. Right is only part of the equation to landing a successful relationship. The other part, which is actually more important, is to become Mr. Right yourself. read more >>